I first started making Wyrdewood mirrors, after a lot of prompting from my partner,in the winter of 2000.It then just seemed a natural progression to making Wands, Staves, Furniture, Runestones and Handcrafted Signs. All Wyrdewood products are crafted from wood that is 100% reclaimed or sourced from eco-sound environments, arboreta & coppiced woodland.

I sell my work at a variety of craft fairs, festivals and markets, the details of which can be found listed on the right.

To undertake a commission, please contact me by e-mail. Please include as much information as you can regarding size, wood type, etc. I will agree the price with you beforehand and contact you when it is finished to arrange payment and delivery.

The Green Man at Clun Festival 2005

The Green Man battles the Ice Queen on the bridge at Clun.Having ensured another summer, by defeating her, he leads his Queen, Knights and jesters in a procession to the castle grounds and the Clun May Fair is opened. For full details and map, click on the heading under LINKS.